Getting relief from any sort of pain is the first thing you want. However hard you try still you don’t get relief. If yes, you are on the right platform to get all your answers. People from all sections of society suffer from chronic pain, migraines, or arthritis. Still, they don’t get the remedy to get rid of it. If you are the one searching for pain relief, don’t worry. Here, comes the right acupuncture treatment to alleviate pain and get fast relief. Perhaps the right treatment modifies an alternative to medicine.
Acupuncture can be administered as per the Doctor’s prescription. People ailing from any sort of pain look forward to acupuncture therapy for the usage of the top 10 benefits of acupuncture, a treatment that employs the insertion of needles on strategic body points to relieve chronic pain.
Here, the main focus is to understand what is it and explore the top 10 benefits of this treatment.
Acupuncture is a treatment only available for those who are not feeling well and have an injury. It employs the insertion of very thin needles at certain points on the skin to activate muscles or nerves. It is commonly used to relieve pain but nowadays, it improves overall health and quality of life. In Traditional, when (TCM) follows the flow of qi, the life force, along pathways called meridians. These needles release natural chemicals to fight illness. Next, focus on how it works.
How does acupuncture Work in body?
Chinese medicine practitioners believe qi disruptions create imbalances in your body’s energy that flow through qi and can lead to illness Some types of acupuncture help to rebalance qi with needles that insert acupuncture points (acupoints) throughout your body. In the human body, there are hundreds and thousands of acupoints found with a straight mechanism to any disease.
Additionally, Physical, emotional, and spiritual health and quality of life result from the balanced flow of qi. Whenever these get blocked, the flow of qi can result in illness. At the time of your first appointment, an Acupuncturist will talk about your health condition.
After, they will examine your body to activate the area that will react to acupuncture. The needles are thin like human hair. The specialist starts insertion it at various depths and it will stay for 20 minutes in the body.
What are Top 10 Benefits of Acupuncture?
Apart from pain relief, Acupuncture has other benefits that cover emotional, digestive, ear and throat, respiratory, musculoskeletal, gynecological, Neurological, and other miscellaneous conditions:
- Relieve Aches and pain
It is the most common for people to choose Acupuncture to get relief from pain. It has been seen that this needle treatment can reduce chronic pain in such situations including:
- Musculoskeletal pain including chronic back and joint pain
- Nausea and vomiting
- Gynecological challenges such as menstrual pain
- Fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis
- Respiratory disorders such as Sinusitis and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder (COPD)
- Miscellaneous aches such as dental pain
- Improved sleep quality
Most of the people are struggling with improper sleep. These sleeping disorders have a bad impact on your well-being. However, as per research, it has been suggested that acupuncture can reduce insomnia and help in improving the quality of sleep.
- Reduce stress
It seems that stress is a major cause of physical and mental health disorders problems like depression and anxiety. Like serotonin and dopamine, acupuncture needles help to calm the mind and feel good hormones.
- Boosted immune function
A weak immune system function can lead to illness and various infections. Maintaining the immune system is essential for well-being. Acupuncture plays a crucial role in boosting immune system function by stimulating the production of WBC (White Blood Cells), and defending the body against illness and infection.
- Improved digestion
Unhealthy and improper diets can lead to poor digestion which can cause many symptoms like bloating, constipation, diarrhea, heartburn, indigestion, and stomach pains. Acupuncture helps to improve digestion by stimulating certain pressure which is responsible for regulating digestive function in the body.
- Increase energy levels
If you notice fatigue or sluggishness in your body, Acupuncture is available to boost the energy you need. Along with balancing the body’s energy flow, acupuncture treatment gives relief to both body and mind and leaves you feeling more energized.
- Restore hormonal balance
Many women experience hormonal imbalances, Acupuncture treatment is beneficial for these issues. For those who are struggling with menstruation, menopause, or fertility issues, it is suggested that acupuncture treatment may help.
- Improve skin health
Many people are struggling with Acne, which is common. It is not only unsightly but also discomfort due to itching or burning sensations which is caused by inflammation. According to research, regular acupuncture treatment can reduce inflammation and improve skin health.
- Boost emotional well-being
Emotional well-being is as essential as physical health. Acupuncture plays a crucial role in improving mental and emotional balance. Neurotransmitters like serotonin and Gamma, Aminobutyric acid (GABA), and acupuncture can reduce the symptoms of anxiety, depression, and other mood disorders.
- Improved Cognitive function
If you have short-term memory loss disorder, a simple solution is available instead of medicine as doctors prescribe. Regular sessions of Acupuncture treatment may help improve cognitive function by stimulating certain areas of the brain responsible for memory retention.
Other health issues that acupuncture treat
Along with chronic pain, Acupuncture treatments are helpful in given conditions:
- Arthritis.
- Back pain, neck pain, or muscle pain
- Headaches and Migraines
- Knee pain
- Menstrual cramps
- Sports injuries
- Face pain and other nerve discomfort.
- Other health conditions acupuncture may help include
- Cancer treatment & side effects.
- Immune system problems.
- Infertility
- Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
- Menopause and hot flashes
Wrapping up:
Acupuncture is a Chinese treatment that is used in today’s firms. Most people opt for this treatment rather than painkillers or medicine. In the above section, we discussed the top 10 benefits of acupuncture as it is beneficial in many ways including improving hormones, boosting immune function, improving sleep quality, and many more. This treatment can be done under a specialist.
1. How long does Acupuncture treatment work?
Many patients experience an improvement that may last up to a month or a year.
2. Is it risky to take acupuncture treatment?
Sometimes, Acupuncture treatment is dangerous if a patient has a bleeding disorder. As the needles may infect the patient body.
3. Do we need to take acupuncture regularly?
It is not necessary to take regular sessions. This treatment is based on acupuncturist advice only if needed.