Jayfal: Health Benefits & How to Use

Jayfal: Health Benefits & How to Use

The Ayurvedic spice jaiphal or jayfal is a part of dishes the world over. It gives a warm, sweet, and subtle aroma in a food product. To Jayfal in English Nutmeg is the commonly used word. Jaiphal goes into meat, vegetable, potatoes, bakery products, puddings, and beverages. Nutmeg contains plant compounds that are anti-inflammatory and are submitted as antioxidants in addition to its many culinary uses.

What is Jayfal?

Nutmeg spice grows from an evergreen tree or Jaifal belonging to the family of Myristicaceae Nutmeg is one of the two spices got from the tree while mace, the other is got from the arillus covering the seed of the fruit. The ground nutmeg or the nutmeg seed is scientifically known as Myristica fragrans. The mace, which is the lacy coating of the seed, is moderate in flavor and colors food with an orange tinge. Aromatic nutmeg is the only tropical evergreen tree cultivated for both these distinctive spices. When cultivated commercially, it gives out nutmeg butter and essential oil.

Majority of nutmegs are grown in Indonesia. In some of the states including Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Karnataka the nutmeg is grown. Apart from these places, it is also cultivated in Sri Lanka, Malaysia, China, the Caribbean islands, Taiwan and South America.

Nutritional value of jayfal

Other minerals present in this spice are potassium, copper, manganese, calcium, zinc, and iron, and magnesium; potassium is useful component that is needed to control the beat and blood pressure levels.

Among the minerals, which are the components of prospective products, it is possible to identify zinc, calcium, copper and manganese that have peculiar ability to stimulate the mineralization of bones, iron – to produce red blood corpuscles.

It has moderate quantities of many B-complex-group-of-vitamins such as folic-acid, vitamin C, niacin, riboflavin, vitamin-A, and many flavonoid antioxidants like beta-carotene and cryptoxanthin that are needed for body fitness.

Health benefits of Jayfal

Jaifal, widely known as nutmeg, is a very popular spice around the globe. It is equally known for its many health benefits. Nutmeg has been used in traditional treatment of many kinds of illnesses. Here are some benefits of Jayfal for women.

1. Jaiphal has a nutritive quality that benefits skin and hair.

This is due to the fact that nutmeg has natural anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory effects that assist in treating pimples and other skin problems in addition to eradicating the long standing black marks and spots. The utility of Jayfal has an anti-aging property which in a way helps the skin to appear youthful as it minimizes wrinkle’s formation to a large extent.

2. Jayfal relieves pain

As part of anti-inflammatory properties present in nutmeg essential oils, such is thus applicable to women to relieve them from pain. Nutmeg has phytosterols that decrease rheumatic aching and inflammation of the joints. By women applying jayfal essential oils, they can also significantly decrease abdominal cramps caused by menstruation. Dark chocolate during periods is another excellent remedy to the uterus cramps of perimenopause.

Jayfal is an antioxidant nutmeg that has compounds such as vitamin C that strengthen female immunity. Moreover, it inhibits the production of free radicals, which minimizes your susceptibility to cell damage and chronic diseases.

3. Jayfal enhances digestive health

Ayurvedic nutmeg should be your best friend in those moments when you are dealing with frequent episodes of constipation, acidity, or an unhealthy gut. It contributes to your body with a high fiber level that will help calm bowel movements and eliminate gas. Furthermore, it can induce the production of digestive enzymes from your own body thus help detoxification and stomach cleansing, this benefit of Jayfal also reached the painful bloating that women suffer before and during their menstrual cycle.

 4. Jayfal treats sleep disorder

Moreover, nutmeg is also an alternative treatment for sleep disorders such as insomnia. The relaxing, sedative effects of this product will cause your brain to rest and help you enjoy sweet dream sleep. Moreover, it contains nerve relaxing effects.

 5. Relieves toothache

The bioactive agent in nutmeg, eugenol, and essential oils fight against oral decay and relieve toothache. Nutmeg oil is an excellent medication for problems such as bad breath.

 6. Anti-cancer product

The chemicals in nutmeg interfere with some processes of a cancer cell’s metabolism, destroying the cancerous cells while leaving healthy ones free. Phytosterols, a most useful substance, are present sufficiently in nutmeg. This substance effectively prevents colon cancer. How? by reducing the rate of cell division in the large intestine.

7. Jayfal is best for a healthy

Nutmeg is a spice that is helpful in maintaining blood lipids and reducing oxidative stress. It further reduces the level of lipids that form bad cholesterol.

How to use Jayfal?

Make Jayfal a powder and mix with milk, honey, tea and other fluids or it can be added to diners, cookies, and other sweets and savories, as well as soups, and curries stews, custards, and kheers.

When is the best time to eat nutmeg?

Any time is good to consume nutmeg. A pinch is enough to add to the flavor and taste. Overuse should, however, be avoided.Despite having the potential for such overwhelming health benefits, moderation is best when utilizing nutmeg. Side effects may ensue at large doses. 


Nutmeg is collected from a tree known as Myristica while mace comes from the outer shell of this tree. Some of the Myristica species includes; However, many of the global nutmeg is produced from Myristica fragrans. Myristica contains about 80 species with India, Australia, and the islands of the Pacific Ocean being its sources. This is a dioecious tree which means that The male and female flowers are in different trees. Its flowers are small, borne in cymes and axillary.

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